Using chromatic harmonica has some advantages over the diatonic harmonic. Extra notes can be produced with the chromatic harmonica. It has 12 holes instead of the usual 10. The slide button on the side helps you to produce those extra notes in the chromatic harmonica. There are many articles on chromatic harmonica in the internet.

A simple search would reveal you a lot of links to understand how to play chromatic harmonica. While you try to play harmonica you have to place your left hand on the first hole on the left side. Use your right hand to cup around the back of the harmonica. The slide button should be handled with your index finger. The next thing you should know is to learn how to lip block. You need to practice lip blocking in order to play harmonica properly. The other technique is to use tongue blocking when you close your lips over the holes. Use the tongue to bring forward and block the holes and allow air only in the desired hole.

[tags]Music, Notes, Tones, Reeds[/tags]