Leather creams are available in the market that can be used to clean the leather jackets. You have to rub the cream on the jacket and buff it. It is wise to wear a silk scarf between your skin and the collar. You can seek the professionals to clean the leather jacket and then you could use the saddle soap to clean this. By cleaning this way you have the jacket leather softer. You can also use the baby wipes to clean the leather. But after you use it you have to clean it with a leather cream. A damp cloth with a mild detergent can also be used to clean the leather jackets. Uneven surface coloration might occur due to aging of the leather and weathering. You could also use a saddle soap to lather up the leather and use a damp cloth to wipe off the leather jacket. After wiping off the lather use a dry cloth to polish the leather. Then use a leather conditioner.

[tags]Leather Jacket, Buffing, Saddle Soap[/tags]