Groundhogs can cause damage to the crops and even the foundation of any structure due to their digging habit. One of the ways to get rid of the groundhogs is to use the help of a professional trapper. They know how to trap these groundhogs and secure your area from them. There are also other ways that you can try to get rid of them. You need to have two and a half cups of cloudy ammonia for this purpose. Pour that ammonia in to the burrows in which they live on a sunny day. Choosing a sunny day is to make them leave those burrows. It might take some time to relocate to some other places if many young ones are also present in the burrows. Most of the time, they will leave the burrow. If you find them still there the following day you can repeat the process. If this doesn?t work you can very well the help of professional trappers to get rid of it.
[tags]Ground Hogs, Woodchucks, Chiggers[/tags]