Chopsticks are used by the Chinese for eating the main dishes. The westerners use knives and fork for eating. You need to practice using the chopsticks before you try it in real. The lower end of the chopstick that is larger should rest in the V between your thumb and the forefinger. While you rest the chopstick in that V, the lower end should be supported by the ring finger and the little finger. You should hold it like a pencil between your index finger and the middle finger. Use the thumb as your anchor. The tips of the chopsticks should be even and of the same length. Make a note of this before you start using your chopsticks. If one of the sticks protrude then it is not easy to use it. The lower chopstick should remain still and only the upper one should be pivoted. If you are not eating use the chopstick rest to place the chopsticks. While using the chopstick do not wave it or place it like a dagger in the bowl. Before you start using the chopstick wet them so that it is easy to use them.
[tags]Chinese Cuisine, Tableware, Chopsticks[/tags]