Having your own background image on your myspace would give a unique look to your webpage. This can be done easily by tweaking the stylesheet a little. Before that decide which image you are going to use in the background. Find an image that suits your taste and upload it in some server. You can find many free servers that would host your image for you. Get the URL of the image that you want to set as the background for your webpage. The next step is the real task of making that image as the background.

Login to your myspace and edit your profile. in that screen you might find some edit links. Click one and that opens up some code that has some style tag in it. Now add the following code to set the background for your myspace.

background-image: url();
background-repeat: repeat;

The above code will tile the image in the webpage. If you want the image to remain fixed and only the content to scroll then you can use the property, “background-attachment:fixed;” in the code. Try it!

[tags]Unique Look, Style Tag, Web Page, Profile, Code[/tags]